Android Prevent Edittext Autofocus

Try like this may help you. /** addtextchangedlistener is useful when first username box is filled with reaches the 9th character * the request will automatically focus to next box*/. Scrollviews and edittext - preventing auto-focus. is there a way to prevent this? i want to detect when the 'user' clicks into an edit text rather than when the system activates it the situation i have is, if there is a edit text in a low position on screen and a user clicks it, the soft keyboard will appear over the top of the edit text. How to make edittext not focused when creating activity. ask question. disable auto focus on edit text. 0. how to change auto focus on edittext in java android studio? 0. removing focus from multiple edittext in layout on android-1. edittext have to be focus always. 0..

(last updated on: october 1, 2017) in this tutorial i will show you how to make the edit text not gaining focus when the activity starts. sometimes this auto-focus can be annoying because the keyboard shows up even if we do not want to write something into our edit text.. How can we remove the focus form the edittext, without giving it to an other visible layout element? the simplest (and i think, the only 100% working) solution is, to create an invisible linearlayout. this linearlayout will grab the focus from the edittext. modify the main.xml like this, add a linearlayout before the edittext:. Android:descendantfocusability="beforedescendants" android:focusableintouchmode="true" this makes the root layout focusable and gain focus before the edittext elements gain focus. this way you don't disturb the focus handlers on the edittext elements, and focusing them should bring up the keyboard as intended..

android prevent edittext autofocus

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